
Letters to the Editor

Supporters of Measure 2 spout faulty logic

Written by: Jerry Splonskowski

Opponents of Measure 2 have their work cut out for them. They have my support and I hope history will repeat itself and North Dakota will resist this effort to become a pilot project for radical anti-tax groups (think Jarvis Foundation out of California) and maintain the rational thinking, long term vision and overall sensible values that North Dakota is known for.

Even though opponents of Measure 2 have the facts are on their side, it can take a lot of time and repetition to explain what services property taxes actually pay for such as schools, libraries, police and fire protection, streets, and sewer. Essentially, opponents have to cram a civics lesson into a sound bite, while the proponents can spout faulty logic and half-truths.

I urge all voters to truly think about what Measure 2 will do. Much of the rhetoric from supporters is spoken with anger and similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement, this group wants something for nothing; they want all the local services, but want someone else to pay for them. They want the state to fund local services, but yet maintain that they will have local control. Their logic, while attractive, doesn’t make sense. If I want a community I can be proud of, I am going to have to pay something to support those services I rely on – that is my property tax.

This is another attempt at getting everything, yet paying for nothing.

The fringe ideas always seem attractive because they have grand promises, but they never seem to live up to the hype. This is exactly what Measure 2 is, a fringe idea that promises the world but fails to describe how it will get there.

Fifth-grade elections are won on promises of longer recesses, better lunches and no homework; I’m hoping North Dakota voters see through the empty promises touted by those supporting Measure 2 and will decide to vote no.

-Jerry Splonskowski is a Bismarck resident.


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  1. This would be the same Splonskowski that got a property tax abatement on $301,000 worth of property, right?

    Property taxes for thee, but not for me.

  2. Mr. Splonkowski, IMO your letter should not be taken for any value, considering your past property tax history. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. You clamor and write many letters, yet your actions speak louder than your words. Let all who read your letters take note of your actions.

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